.42 Apclad – $16.01-$20.25 p/m
Apclad (Trimdek) is a modern roofing profile that is available in very long lengths. Made from Hi-Tensile steel, this profile whilst strong is also lightweight, that minimises sheet damage.
$0.00 (incl GST)
Apclad Hi-Ten is pierced which ensures easy fixing as this is the conventional method. Apclad Hi-Ten is weather protected as the side laps ensure maximum protection from the elements. The wide cover of 762mm allows for quicker installation, saving on both materials and labour. Designed for almost flat roofing applications, Apclad Hi-Ten can be used on a minimum roof pitch of 2 degrees (1 in 30). Deep ribs allow wide support spacings and provide excellent water carrying capabilities. A pclad Hi-Ten is an economical and versatile profile, available custom cut to length and is ideal for both roofing and walling. Rib Height: 29mm
Fixing to Steel (Roof-crest fix): Use 12 Gauge x 50mm Hex Head Multifixx screws
Fixing to Steel (Wall-pan fix): Use 10 Gauge x 16mm Hex head Self Drilling Screws
Fixing to Timber (Roof-crest fix): Use 12 Gauge x 65mm Hex head Type 17 (Timber) screws
Fixing to Timber (Wall-pan fix): Use 12 Gauge x 25mm Hex head Type 17 (Timber) Screws